You have ideas for stories, but when you open a document to write, you stare helplessly at a blank page. Every time you try to write, you end up spending your time doing anything, but writing. I call it Destination Procrastination. All authors have been there. It is not a preferred destination, but there are a few things that might be getting in your way:
Too many ideas
You don’t just have one idea, you have several. You want to take time to carefully consider which idea has the best potential.
This is definitely one of my problems. I like all the ideas that I come up with. After all they are my ideas. When I start to think about writing about one idea that means I am going to put the other on hold.
Solution: Write an outline for each of the story ideas. Once you’ve done that, you’ll have a better idea about which one you like the most. And you will have those outlines to return to when you need them.
Stories always seem better in my head
Are your stories better in your head? Mine are always better in my head. When I sit down to write it does not seem as amazing as I originally thought. So I procrastinate. I am reluctant to put it on paper because deep down I know it won’t be as good as I imagined it.
Solution: A story in your head isn’t really a story until you write it down. So write it down. Just write it. What’s the worst that can happen? If it stinks, you can delete it. I will admit, I have deleted several stories over the years. But when I look at all of the stories I have written, there are more I have kept.
How will it end
The dreaded ending. Most of my stories are either written in my notes or outlined, but many times I do not know how the story is going to end. Since I am a picture book writer, I have 500 words to tell that story. I want the ending to be satisfying for the reader and I do not want to rush the ending.
Solution: A good plan for me is to just keep writing and see what comes up. When you actually write it down, you start to see all the possibilities. Even if I go way over the 500 words, I follow to the end and then edit out what no longer serves the story.
Thoughts …
Destination procrastination does not need to be a destination for all authors. Sometimes we need time to think about our stories before we can write them, but we do need to write them. With the help of these tips, I hope your procrastination days will be few!
Early Alert
World Read Aloud Day is February 5th. This is one of my favorite days of the year. It is a free event and I can visit classrooms all of the United States and read my books. It is important to book early so if you are thinking about a visit please contact me as soon as possible. Learn more about World Read Aloud Day here.
With gratitude …
Thank you to those readers who contacted me this week about their experiences with writing and publishing scams. It is important to remember when something seems too good the Writer Beware website is a great resource. The Writer Beware blog shines a bright light world of literary scams, schemes, and pitfalls.
I am happy you stopped by my blog this week. Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I am grateful that I can share my writing journey with you. It is an endless journey of learning and growing. A journey that I am thoroughly enjoying.
Have you checked out my website. There are surprises everywhere. Click on the balloons and see where they take you. Can you find two writing videos? Freebies? A chocolate chip recipe? There’s even a special freebie to anyone who subscribes to my monthly newsletter. I have a number of FREE resources for children, parents and teachers that librarians and homeschooling families can download and use.
A Call to Action …
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Are you interested in an author visit during the 2025 school year? I am booked right now up until the holidays. and have several bookings in January and February. School visits, library events, PTA author events and after school programs are some of my favorite events. I love sharing my books and my love of writing. If you are not local, that is not a problem. I am available for virtual visits. If you have an idea on how I can support you and your program we should talk! Just complete the form here. I look forward to meeting you and your students.
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