Ebooks for Children

Two best selling, award winning ebooks for children

Not everyone feels the same as I do about ebooks for children. I believe that ebooks provide some advantages that paper copies may not.

When my first book, Gertie Saves the Day, was being released I had mixed feelings about releasing it as an ebook. Naturally, I wanted everyone to have a paper copy of my book. I wanted to see it in bookstores and libraries. Then I began to think about my readers. Children, teachers and parents would be reading my book. As long as children could have access to my book, it became less about the paper copy and more about getting my book into the hands of as many children as possible.

Advantages of eBooks over Printed Books –

Like print books, well-designed ebooks can help children learn language and develop social, listening and thinking skills.

Ebooks can also be a different and fun way for children to enjoy reading, experience stories and learn information.

Ebooks can help beginning readers and children who struggle to read independently, including children with learning difficulties and those who are learning English.

Accessibility features allow children to use the read aloud feature or for those with visual impairments the font size can be changed.

Affordability is definitely an advantage. Ebooks are often less expensive, can be borrowed from the library. If you look carefully you can find picture books that are free.

Choosing ebooks for your child

When you’re choosing ebooks look for the same qualities that you’d look for in print books. These qualities include a well-told stories about things your child is interested in, a variety of vocabulary, and ebooks that are at the right level for your child.

Disadvantages of ebooks

While eye strain is one disadvantage of ebooks. Unless the child is reading for long periods of time, I would not expect eye strain to be an issue.

Technological issues such as charging batteries, slow internet loading issues and the fact that you need to purchase both the device and ebooks are also disadvantages of ebooks.

Thoughts …

Ebooks are also good for the environment. Ebooks don’t end up as landfill waste. Trees are the lungs of the earth, so saving them is a good thing. It takes more energy to manufacture and ship a paper book than to download an eBook.

What is most important to me is the fact that children need books. Whether you choose ebooks or traditional paper books, the key is to get children reading!

With gratitude …

I am glad you’re here. Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I am grateful that I can share my writing journey with you. It is an endless journey of learning and growing. A journey that I am enjoying. 

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A Call to Action … 

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