Marketing Your Picture Book

Marketing Your Picture Book

Marketing your picture book continues well after your book is published. The goal is to continue to market your book if you want to sell copies of your book. In my last post I discussed creating a media kit or a press kit for newspapers or podcasters. Now I would like to share how the press kit can help you create a buzz about your book.

Press Kit Basics

Marketing is not one of my strengths, but I was willing to give the press kit strategy a try. A press kit is basically a document of information, created by you the author, to provide basic information about your book and you as the author for reporters. My press kit contained a photo of the cover of my book, a link to my book, my author headshot, my contact information, short summary of my book, a short bio, a link to my website and my social media information. A press kit provides enough information for a reporter to write an article about you and your picture book. There are a number of resources online to help you develop your own press kit. Writer’s Digest has an 8 Step Guide that is very helpful.

Press Kit and the Book Launch

I created my press kit for my book launch last summer. My book launched in September and an article about my book would create some buzz for my launch. The press kit was emailed to several local papers. In my email I mentioned the book launch and how an article would heIp me get the word out about my book. I waited and waited and waited some more, but I didn’t receive a response. As a subscriber, I was very disappointed that no one picked up my story.

Since Gertie Saves the Day is about Groundhog Day, I sent my press kit off again to the same newspapers in January. I had high hopes one of the papers would print an article before Groundhog Day. After all, Groundhog Day is newsworthy. Again, there was no response. If I am anything I am persistent. I asked several authors for some advice. Was there more I could do? Was I missing something?

In early April I sent the press kit out once again and followed up with a phone call. I left a message with the editor and finally got a response about two weeks ago. I think email is becoming the new snail mail because editors are busy and do not get to read all of the emails they receive. The follow up phone call brought attention to my story and resulted in a phone call.

Article Interview

I had a wonderful phone interview with the editor. I could tell by the questions he asked that he not only read the press kit information, visited my website, and read the book. Last week the article appeared in my local paper. I opened the paper to see a full page story about Gertie! I believe my persistence was the key and the advice to follow up with a phone call was golden. It helped to bring my press kit to the editors attention. I could not be happier with the result.

Conclusions …

The interview process was very successful. It may not have happened on my time table, but the word about Gertie is now out there. I always hope for an increase in book sales. Marketing is all about new sales. What I did not expect was a call from a local bookstore asking if I would be interested in a virtual visit this summer. We are currently working on those details. I recommend marketing your picture book by using your press kit and a phone call!

Requests …

I am so glad you’re here and so grateful that I can share this journey with you. I believe that the world needs to hear your story.

I’m looking forward to helping other authors. And speaking of helping — please leave a comment below and let me know what questions you have about picture book writing. 

If you have read Gertie Saves the Day, I would appreciate a short book review on either Amazon or Goodreads. Reviews help teachers, parents, grandparents, librarians … decide if they want to purchase a book. You can support all new authors by leaving a short review. 

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I am available for author visits and I am still offering author interviews. 

There will not be a post next Monday (Memorial Day). I will be back in June with an author interview.

Enjoy your day!

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