I am not much of a resolution girl. I was not able to implement or sustain the resolution. After reading One Word That Will Change Your Life by Jon Gordon. The possibility of one word guiding me through the year was intriguing. I wanted to know more.
I came across a blog post by Christine Kane. Can A Single Word Really Change Your Life? Christine decided to ditch her New Year’s Resolution and selected one word to guide her for the year. She demonstrated how that one word made a difference in her life. You do not simply choose a word and by magic your life changes, but rather let the energy of the word guide you. Christine will guide you to find your word using her Discovery tool.
Words Work
In 2020, my word was FEARLESS. That year I took the leap and started my journey toward getting my picture book published. In 2021, my word was EXPANSION. I self-published my picture book and started my website. I took a course to learn about publishing and marketing. My one word for 2022 was GROWTH. My second picture book was published in 2022. I grew my social media followers and increased my book sales. I was able to write several new picture book drafts, and grow as a writer by connecting more with my writing community.
For 2023 my word is ACTION. When it comes to my manuscripts, I need to take action. Action in the form of using critique advice to improve my drafts. I need to take action too when it comes to sending queries to publishers. I tend to drag my feet when it comes to both of these actions. 2023 will be my year of action.
If you would like to find your one word, I recommend using Christine’s Word of the Year Discovery Tool. You will find the link below. I would love to hear from you and let me know your one word.
Happy New Year! May it be Happy and Healthy!
Requests …
I am so glad you’re here and I thank you for taking the time to read this post. I am grateful that I can share my writing journey with you.
I’m looking forward to helping you as a children’s book writer in any way that I can. Speaking of helping — please leave a comment below and let me know what questions you have about picture book writing.
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I am now booking author visits for 2023. In the past few weeks we have been to 8 schools to share Two Wins for Wiley. The children were very excited for us to visit their school. Please consider an author visit and book early! Concerned about the cost of an author visit? Check out this article, while it is an older article, it is a jumping off point.
One last request …
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