This week I had the pleasure of writing with children. The children are from grades 3-5. Their task is to write and illustrate a picture book. During the first session they wrote their stories and this week their task is to illustrate their stories. As a picture book author, I know this is no easy task, but these children signed up to work with me to write and illustrate their own picture books. Most children are natural storytellers. Their imagination and creativity allows them to come up with some of the best stories. I am looking forward to working with them this week to complete their picture books.
Importance of Learning to Write
Writing helps children develop critical thinking skills, express their ideas, improve fine motor skills, strengthen communication, build confidence and writing becomes the foundation for future academic success.
Why Children Should Write
Writing is an integral part of our lives. We use it on a daily basis. In fact, research has shown that the earlier adults encourage and support this skill in children, the more successful those children are as writers later in life. Here are some ways we can help children become better writers.
Get them a library card and/or buy them books
I am sure you have heard that the more you read, the more your writing will improve. Children can learn so much about the writing just by reading amazing books. Consider reading the same book as your child and talk about what you like in the stories and the style of the story. One of the freebies on my website is a list of Best Picture Books About Writing A Story. Encourage young writers to read a variety of genres. The more we expose children to various genres, the more comfortable and confident writers they will become.
Create an inviting writing space
Parents can help to grow a child’s writing skills by first setting up an inviting writing space. The purpose of this space is to have all writing supplies easily accessible, and organized for the child to use. This space will show the child that you value writing. Paper, pens, pencils are just the beginning. You can find a more complete list here.
Writers need inspiration
Some children need a little help to get them started. With the group of students I am working with, I wanted them to write something that was of interest to them. Here’s what happened. There were a lot of blank faces. Luckily, I had some child friendly prompts for them. There are a number of websites where you can find a list of writing prompts. Anything can be a writing prompt if you think about it, like a treasured object, an old photograph, a favorite memory. The idea is to spark a story, sometimes it is simply a story you already wanted to write. Once I read a few prompts, it started their imaginations and they were ready to write. If you need some inspiration, check this out.
Listen when they want to talk or share their stories
Be kind, supportive, and specific about the things that you like about their writing. Some children are shy while they are writing. It’s okay if they don’t want you to read it. If they ask for feedback, be sure you have their permission. Let them build on what they’re doing right. This week I will share my story first, then ask who else would like to share. Children are more likely to share when there is a safe place for sharing.
Share your own writing with children
Writing helps us to become better writers. When we are able to share our writing we are better able to understand the struggles and triumphs that we share as writers. Some teachers are using this strategy in the classroom. They write something of their own while the students write. Teachers are modeling, sharing and learning along with their students.
Here are a few resources to help you encourage a young writer.
6 Best Reading and Writing Websites
Story Writing with Children poster
Thoughts …
This is the first time I am offering this workshop for children. It is a learning experience for all of us. Some of the children struggle, but they want to be writers. Others are excited about the illustrations more than the story. Most of the children are enjoying the experience and are excited to complete their books. Working with children and guiding them through this process has been very rewarding. What are you waiting for? Support a young writer today!
Early Alert
World Read Aloud Day is February 5th. This is one of my favorite days of the year. It is a free event and I can visit classrooms all of the United States and read my books. It is important to book early so if you are thinking about a visit please contact me as soon as possible. Learn more about World Read Aloud Day here.
With gratitude …
I am so glad you’re here. Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I am grateful that I can share my writing journey with you. It is an endless journey of learning and growing. A journey that I am enjoying.
I am now booking author visits for the spring, 2025 school year. If you are a classroom teacher, teacher assistant, Parent Teacher Association President, or After school Director I can work with you to create a visit that will meet the needs of your students. Please contact me to book your visit.
My website has been updates and it is now interactive. There are surprises everywhere. Click on the balloons and see where they take you. Can you find two writing videos? Freebies? A chocolate chip recipe? There’s even a special freebie to anyone who subscribes to my newsletter. Check out the resources for children, parents and teachers, librarians and homeschooling families.
Please consider purchasing a copy of Two Wins for Wiley or Gertie Saves the Day for gifts. The holidays are quickly approaching and books make great gifts. Books can be read over and over again. It is my wish to get as many books as I can into the hands of children. Children need to hear all kinds of stories. A book is the best gift for both children and adults!
Call to Action …
You can really help this author by leaving a book review on Amazon or Goodreads. You can leave a review for Gertie Saves the Day here or here. Two Wins for Wiley here or here. Reviews can be as easy as 2-3 sentences. It should take about 30 seconds to leave and would make a huge difference for this author.