Author Newsletters – are they a yay or nay? For this author they are a yay! I was advised by other authors that if I want to grow my audience, connect with readers, and sell more books, the best tool available for me was to write an author newsletter.
In the beginning …
I will admit that when I stared writing my author newsletter I had no idea what I was doing. I started with my book launch team. They were eager to sign up and support my first book, Gertie Saves the Day. My early newsletters consisted of how subscribers could join my launch team, how they could help me with the book launch and when they could expect to receive an advanced PDF of my book.
How to start an author newsletter
If you are ready to start a newsletter, here are a few tips:
- Choose an email marketing platform – Mailchimp or Mailerlite are two that you can consider. I use Mailerlite. I find it easy and the support is friendly and helpful.
- Set up a sign-up form – it should be simple to gather their name and email addresses.
- Create a landing page for newsletter signups – you can do this with your email marketing platform if you do not have a website. My subscription sign ups are on my website.
- Determine the freebie you want to give away – think about your subscribers and what type of freebie would be beneficial and worth their email address. I have a number of freebies on my website, but Story Writing with Children is a poster that can be shared with children.
- Writing content to include in your author newsletters – the first newsletter can be a welcome email with a little about you and what they can expect from your newsletter.
What to write about
There are so many topics to talk about in your newsletter. Remember to be respectful of your readers time. Keep it short and simple. You can talk about what you are currently writing, reading or learning.
For my diverse audience I try to suggest several children’s book each month, some crafts or games for children, sometimes free coloring pages. It helps to know who your audience is when both writing and offering freebies. Be sure to include a place where subscribers have a way of unsubscribing. We hope they do not, but it helps to have the option.
Advantages of author newsletters
Regularly writing a newsletter can help boost your confidence. The immediate feedback you can get from a newsletter, is a simple reminder that there are readers out there who care about your writing. It was extremely helpful to get feedback from my subscribers well before my book was published.
You don’t need a huge subscriber list for your newsletter to have a big impact on your writing life. A newsletter is a better tool than using social media. You will often hear that your email list is key to your success. If one of the social media platforms shuts down, your email list will allow you to keep in contact with your readers.
An added perk
Working on my newsletter has taught me to write for my audience in a way that has helped my writing. When I am writing a newsletter, I am writing to teachers, parents, librarians and other authors. When I write picture books my audience consists of children and adults.
I love hearing from my readers. My readers will comment and email right back. I can learn pretty quickly about what is working and what is not. I can respond to reader feedback quickly too.
Disadvantages of author newsletters
One of the disadvantages of writing a newsletter is it is not always easy to come up with content or to find the time to write your newsletter. Writing a newsletter takes time away from your other writing.
Author newsletters are not a way to expand your reach. It is not a great tool for expanding your audience. You are simply writing your newsletter for your readers.
Trying to build your email list and get readers to subscribe is not an easy task. I have tried several times and I will get one or two new subscribers.
Thoughts …
If a newsletter feels like just one more thing that you can’t possibly add to a too-long to-do list, and you really just want to keep your head down and work on your writing, that’s perfectly fine. I have outlined the pros and cons and the decision is yours. Let me know what you think. Do author newsletters get a yay from you?
With gratitude …
I am glad you’re here. Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I am grateful that I can share my writing journey with you. It is an endless journey of learning and growing. A journey that I am enjoying.
Have you checked out my website. There are surprises everywhere. Click on the balloons and see where they take you. Can you find two writing videos? Freebies? A chocolate chip recipe? There’s even a special freebie to anyone who subscribes to my monthly newsletter. I have a number of FREE resources for children, parents and teachers that librarians and homeschooling families can download and use.
A Call to Action …
Hello! Have you subscribed to my monthly newsletter? You will receive book recommendations, freebies, craft ideas and exclusive giveaways. Please share the subscribe link with parents, teachers and librarians and other writers.
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