Let’s be honest post book launch is a bit of a let down. It’s a little like Christmas morning and all of the presents have been opened and you are not sure what to do next. New book authors need your help.
Everyone who has supported you during your book the launch has bought the book and moved on. Some will ask how sales are going and when will you publish your next book, but the support wanes and it is just you and your book.
How you can help new book authors
In a desperate attempt to keep the momentum going I have gathered the following information from various sources and offer it to anyone who would like to help new authors keep the momentum going. If you do just one thing on this list you will be helping a new author! (Like me!)
Buy the Book
The launch maybe over, but authors still want to sell copies of our books. Authors will be marketing their book for at least two years. Please buy new copies, not used copies. For the sale to “count” toward an author royalty the book must be new. There’s nothing like holding a new book in your hands, but if you are a person who prefers a digital copy, then by all means buy the e-book!
Gift the book
When it is gift time you think about your friends and family. Books make wonderful gifts. Let me say it again, Books make wonderful gifts. Parents often struggle to think of something to give their child’s favorite teacher at holiday time. Teachers love to receive books as a gift. It is a gift that can be shared with the whole class. Children also love to receive books as a gift. If you can get the author to autograph the book, you will be a star in that child’s eyes.
Ask for the book in your local bookstore or library
Always ask for the book. Do not look for the book, even if you know exactly where to find it. If enough people ask for the book, the bookseller will remember the title and start recommending the book to other customers. Better yet, if the bookseller reads the book it may end up on their recommended list where more customers will see it and hopefully purchase a copy of the book.
Write book reviews
I cannot overstate the importance of reviews. As consumers we all check out reviews before we purchase any items. Think about it, would you buy a television if it received only one star and poor reviews? When you read a book and enjoy it, leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads. Your opinion matters to all book authors. Your review doesn’t need to be long or involved. Just share what you liked. Be sure to keep it simple and never give away the ending. Reviews can make a difference especially if someone is unsure if they want to purchase the book.
Spread the news
Whether you are on social media or prefer a face-to-face conversation you can help spread the word about the book. Bring the book to your face-to-face meetings and share with teachers, moms and grandparents. Share it on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Soon everyone will be talking and buying the book. Word of mouth has tremendous power!
With gratitude …
I am glad you’re here. Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I am grateful that I can share my writing journey with you. It is an endless journey of learning and growing. A journey that I am enjoying.
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