On February 7, 2024 classrooms around the world took time to celebrate and honor the power of reading and sharing stories and expand the scope of global literacy. As Pam Allyn, creator of World Read Aloud Day, reminds us, “World Read Aloud Day celebrates the power, magic, and influence of the read aloud for children and teenagers…” This experience is a win for teachers, students and authors.
My Love of Read Aloud Day
As a former educator I loved reading stories aloud to my students. I think my love of reading aloud stems from my own elementary school experience. I had teachers who always read books aloud to the class. These teachers were my role models for my own classroom. I always enjoyed listening my teachers read aloud, answering our questions and helping us to better understand each other and the world around us.
Importance of Read Aloud Day
Read aloud day allows me to virtually visit classrooms and read my book to children in elementary grades. Author visits to schools are one of the most rewarding aspects of being an author. I love watching young readers connect with the story and the illustrations. Through sharing with children, I always learn something new about myself and my books.
Benefits for Students
Author visits build relationships between children and the written word, authors can inspire children to write and make connections with lessons they are learning in their classrooms.
Author visits encourage reading and writing for fun and often motivate reluctant or struggling readers and writers. After an author visit, children often see themselves as real writers and part of a writing community.
Benefits for Teachers
Research data found that pupils who had had an author visit that academic year:
- Were twice as likely to read above the expected level for their age (31% vs 17%)
- Were more likely to enjoy reading (68% vs 47%) and writing (44% vs 32%)
- Were more likely to be highly confident in their reading (37% vs 25%) and writing (22% vs 17%)
Benefits for Authors
Being around children is the best way for authors to keep current about what children are learning, laughing about, and interested in. This will help you select future writing topics.
School visits forge lasting relationships between teachers and librarians and your books. These adults are likely to recommend your books to others, and purchase your future titles.
With in person visits you will definitely increase your sales.
My Read Aloud Day
My day began at 9:00 am. I virtually visited classrooms in Florida, South Carolina, Queens, Connecticut and Texas. I was very impressed with each classroom that I visited. The students were very attentive and well prepared for my visit. The students asked many questions about my writing process, how I find names for my characters, what other books I have written and how long I write each day. This was my third year participating in this wonderful event.

Thoughts …
Author visits create lasting impressions on students. They build relationships between the written word, inspire them to pursue creative careers and connect lessons from the classrooms with the world. Author visits are a powerful learning opportunity.
My thanks to the classroom teachers who welcomed me virtually into their classrooms. These teachers understand that a visit from a professional writer can have a profound impact on their students.
With gratitude …
I am glad you’re here. Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I am grateful that I can share my writing journey with you. It is an endless journey of learning and growing. A journey that I am enjoying.
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