In honor of leap day, I encourage you to take a leap today. It can be a small leap or a giant leap the choice is yours. What I have learned is that when you take a leap is just like flexing a muscle. The more you exercise it, the easier it gets and the more fulfilled you become.
Books and Bites
I am a picture book writer and I have little to no experience selling picture books. It is fair to say that it is “out of my comfort zone”. Books and Bites was an event I attended in celebration of local authors. It was an opportunity for me to take a leap and step out of my comfort zone.
Taking a Leap
This event helped me in more ways than one. I was able to network with my fellow authors and build relationships. I found that my fellow authors are very supportive. They gave me some great advice and updated me on future opportunities to sell my books.
The event was held in a restaurant. This was a unique and fun venue. The venue owner served appetizers while attendees browsed our books. This created a very relaxing atmosphere and one where attendees could move about easily and stop by every table.
I enjoyed speaking with everyone who stopped by my table. A few knew of my books from the local independent bookstore. Others stopped to comment on my books and talk to me about writing picture books. I also had some great conversations with parents and classroom teachers about reading and writing challenges. They understand the importance of well written books and literacy in the classroom.
More take aways
This was a great event for Increasing my visibility. It was free publicity for the Long Island Authors. I was interviewed for their website. I was asked a series of questions about writing picture books and some more specific questions about each of my books. This interview will be posted on their website and it may appear on social media as well.
The evening was a wonderful celebration of writing and for many of us accomplishing a dream. As any author will tell you, writing a book is not as easy as many think. We often forget what an accomplishment it is to write a book and worthy of celebrating.
Last, but not least, were the book sales. As I mentioned this is not one of my strengths, but I managed to sell several copies of my books. It helped that I had a colorful table with copies of my books clearly displayed and a poster board. I was able to talk about my books and share how teachers and parents can use my books to teach children about kindness, wellness, teamwork and friendship. I know with more practice I will improve my skills and sell more books.
Thoughts …
It is important to take a leap even if it is out of your comfort zone. Taking a leap may feel uncomfortable, but has the potential to advance your knowledge and skills greatly.
With gratitude …
I am glad you’re here. Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I am grateful that I can share my writing journey with you. It is an endless journey of learning and growing. A journey that I am enjoying.
I am now booking author visits for this school year. If you are a classroom teacher, teacher assistant, Parent Teacher Association President, or After school Director I can work with you to create a visit that will meet the needs of your students. Please contact me to book your visit.
Have you checked out my website. There are surprises everywhere. Click on the balloons and see where they take you. Can you find two writing videos? Freebies? A chocolate chip recipe? There’s even a special freebie to anyone who subscribes to my monthly newsletter. I have a number of FREE resources for children, parents and teachers that librarians and homeschooling families can download and use.
A Call to Action …
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