The Women in Publishing Summit (WIP Summit 2024) is an online conference. It is held the first week of March and it features women, and those who identify as women, who are authors, editors and publishing professionals. It’s a multi-day virtual event. All sessions are held LIVE on Zoom, and the conference covers topics on writing craft, editing, routes to publication, production, marketing, and business growth. There are special events, networking, sessions with our sponsors, Publisher Speed Dating, and keynotes are sprinkled throughout the schedule. Definitely one conference you should not miss if you are a writer.
Before sharing more about the summit, I want to say that Alexa and her team behind the conference, along with all the volunteers, did a fantastic job with the “digital logistics” of the conference by sending sufficient reminders each day, giving clear instructions on how to get into the conference, and monitoring all the sessions throughout to respond to questions and concerns. Every session was on time and moving to the next session was seamless with their Dashboard.
This is my 4th year attending and each year it gets better!
What I love about this conference
Virtual – That means no scheduling flights or hotels
Early registration – Early registration is discounted. I love discounts!
Pre -Summit Events – Excellent speakers and events
Presenters – Professional, knowledgeable and prepared.
Dashboard – Made navigating a breeze
Q and A – There were 5-10 minutes for questions after each session
Recorded – You can watch and re-watch each session
Sponsors – The Sponsors were awesome and many offered deep discounts for attendees
Networking – There were several opportunities to meet and chat briefly with other authors
Conference Assets – You could download a workbook, there were numerous social media posts for you to use, downloadable swag and a store.
What I didn’t love about the conference
This conference is for all genres, but I always wish there were more workshops for children’s book authors. You can apply most of what you are learning to any genre, but I enjoy the picture book sessions the most.
The networking sessions were great and I got to meet a many wonderful women authors and we were able to make connections and share information. I just wish I could have met more picture book writers to talk about their experiences.
These are really preferences rather than negatives. As you can see the from this list. The pros out number the cons.
Alexa also offers WIP School and live workshops throughout the year, which I highly recommend. Authors at any level learn how to become better at writing, publishing and marketing their book, and every book to come. I hope you will mark your calendar for WIP 2025 next March. I hope to see you there!
With gratitude …
I am glad you’re here. Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I am grateful that I can share my writing journey with you. It is an endless journey of learning and growing. A journey that I am enjoying.
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A Call to Action …
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